Apply for a job.

If interested in working for The Wee Scottish Shop, please complete the form below and we will be in touch

We have various jobs available for 2025, especially during easter and summer holidays. Full training will be provided

Cashier / Shop assistant. Work 10am to 5pm serving customers and keeping shop in a orderly condition. 15 years old or older.

Flyer person. Person to hand out flyers in Rothesay. Must be over 14 years old. This will be for a couple of hours at a time, three or four days per week

Sweet assistant. A large part of our shop is selling sweets. Two people needed to help fill sweet jars and bags. Must be 14 years or older. You will be in shop working with cashier / assistant. One position will be three days per week during school holidays, and the other 4 days per week. Days can be flexible. between these two people.

First Name
Last Name
Street Address and post code
Age (please note you must be 14 years or older to work. Please see job descriptions)
Are there any days of week, you are not available ( you don’t have to tell us about school days)
Please check jobs interested in ( Can be more than one)

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